Summersemster 2018
A cooperation with the Institute of computer music an electronic media of unversity of Vienna.
For one semester the modular synthesizer ensemble will be the focus within their composing class.
Together with Katherina Klement we will discover the question of, how to compose for this kind of ensemble.

Final Project presentation 29th + 30th June 2018, Steinergasse 8, 1160 Vienna

Probe für die Präsentation, Steinergasse, große Halle
ELAK Präsentation, Steinergasse / Wien, Foto: Gammon
ELAK Präsentation, Steinergasse / Wien, Foto: Gammon
ELAK Präsentation, Steinergasse / Wien, Foto: Gammon
ELAK Präsentation, Steinergasse, große Halle, Foto: Katharina Klement
ELAK Studierende erforschen das Instrumentarium