Wiener Teppich

A 250-meter-long red carpet – originally intended for a performance – will be cut into different sized parts in the wake of COVID-19 and thus converted into mobile stages in two Viennese municipal buildings.

The image of artists and residents on a piece of carpet is a metaphor for “physical distancing” and at the same time for a unifying action that overcomes the barriers between those involved. The short film is also a contemporary portrait of two important municipal and social housing developments in Vienna, together with their special architecture and above all. with its diverse residents.


Concept and direction: Arne Mannott and Elena Lydia Kreusch
Camera and editing: Christian Schratt
Music: Gammon
Artists: Arne Mannott, Christoph Schiele, Maja Karolina Franke, Ralph Öllinger, Ruth Biller, Sara Lanner
Assistance: Patrick Tilg
Artistic production: KreativKultur

A production of the Kulturlabor Gemeindebau – wohnpartner.
With the kind support of the Vienna Cultural Department.