The MODULAR SYNTHESIZER ENSEMBLE in cooperation with the University of the Arts / Berlin.

With the kind support of the Miller-Zillmer Foundation.

A special composition technique for a special instrument:
This workshop offers an introduction to “Abstract Visual Reference” and its interpretation with the 12 Modular Synthesizers of the MODULAR SYNTHESIZER ENSEMBLE.

SUPERBOOTH21 – Students from the UdK Berlin, Auditorium FEZ-Wuhlheide.

Final Perforamce (full lengh)

“Abstract visual reference” 2-part workshop.
Interpretation of an “Abstract Visual Reference” with the Modular Synthesizer.
A project of the Modular Synthesizer Ensemble by Gammon in cooperation with Rüdiger Wenk (aka Phonoschrank).

On the first day of the workshop (August 26), you will be introduced to aspects of “Abstract Visual Reference” by Rüdiger Wenk and the students will work on a first visual composition of their own. The Modular Synthesizer as well as the working method of the Modular Synthesizer Ensemble will be introduced by Gammon.
The developed visual composition is the working basis for the interpretation with the Modular Synthesizer on the second workshop day in the context of SUPERBOOTH21.

On Saturday 18 Sept. 2021 at 13:30 we will present together the elaborated compositions and their interpretation live in ensemble with the 12 Modular Synthesizers in the large auditorium at FEZ / Berlin.

Rüdiger Wenk (Phonoschrank) researches and teaches in the field of “Abstract Visual Reference” at the University of the Arts, is a noise artist and has been expressing himself through his modular system for about 15 years. Gammon, composes for theater, dance and film and has been involved with the Modular Synthesizer since 1995, leading the Modular Synthesizer Ensemble project.

More Informations:

Preparation for theOnline Workshop with students of the UdK / Berlin.
Online Workshop, UdK/Berlin, Foto: Phonoschrank
Abstract visual references to interpret with the Modular Synthesizers.
Abstract visual references to interpret with the Modular Synthesizers.