MUSIK AUS STROM – Volkskundemuseum

19.1. – 16.2.2024 // MUSIK AUS STROM

The synthesizer, with a history stretching back over a hundred years, is a defining timbre in the music of recent decades. Nevertheless, electronic sounds, the instruments and players are rarely the focus of a museum exhibition.

With Klub Montage, Manege Frei, Modular Synthesizer Ensemble, Signalzirkus and Sounds Queer.

Musik aus Strom” is a forum for synthesizer players and offers the opportunity to exchange experiences and experiment with synthesizers.
Various instruments are available to play.
We invite you to participate with concerts, workshops and open calls:

Bring your electronic instruments and contribute to the discourse!




Unterstützt von der Erste Bank im Rahmen des Sponsorprogrammes – Vermehrt Schönes!